It's impossible to deny the purpose of Abrahamic Religions was to replace non-Jewish cultures when that is precisely what happened.
So it is often claimed that Orthodox "Jews" are OK because they are patriarchal and so have a high birth rate
But here is the problem with supporting Orthodox Jews if they label you as of Gentile Ancestry
Their high birth rate only makes them a bigger threat to your existence if you do not want to be enslaved or executed if they consider your mother to be a gentile
Christians will never understand how they're both the targets and enforcers of the "sAtAnIC gLoBaLiSt" psyop.
Now they're all outraged at the Olympics. And they're being incited by "right-wing" Jews online to be angry about it: "Even as a Jew, I'm infuriated by this attack on Jesus! How do you feel about it Christians?"
The choreographer who did it, is a gay Jew. It's not satanic, it's Jewish. Their goal is to give Christians credence so they can then psyop you through Trump and Jesus.
I actually pondered if they would pierce Trump's ear (ever so slightly) before he took off the bandage to make the whole staged assassination attempt seem a little more believable, but no, they didn't even bother. And why should they? All the maga sheep already believe the narrative and even in the obscure corners of the internet, like this one, you still see many people who refuse to question such an obvious gayop.
Well, here's the messiah's ear, no damage whatsoever:
@VooDooMedic why do you think TFM supports Trump? He says he only wants what's best for America. Do you know what sort of secret information TFM is aware of, that we're all missing?
He also pretends the assassination attempt wasn't staged.
Trump just posted a video of Netanyahu saying Iran is behind the attempt and wrote that, should he be killed, the US MUST wipe Iran off the face of the Earth.
Does this sound like someone who has America's interests at heart, or someone who's in on the plan?
If they do “assassinate President Trump,” which is always a possibility, I hope that America obliterates Iran, wipes it off the face of the Earth — If that does not happen, American Leaders will be considered “gutless” cowards!
words of
Donald J. Trump
at realDonaldTrump
truthsocial dot com
@UncleIroh @YoMomz @Justicar @Based_Accelerationist Listen hear Brother “I mean, I’d rather if she was going to fuck some nigger, I’d rather have her marry an 8-foot-tall nigger worth a hundred million dollars! Like a basketball player!” Hogan reportedly said. “I guess we’re all a little racist. Fucking nigger.”
Wow... So Trump just posted a video on Truth Social of Netanyahu saying Iran was behind the assassination attempt. And get this, Trump wrote that there's a possibility that Iran might assassinate him and if that happens, the US must obliterate Iran and wipe it off the face of the Earth!
But please keep telling me this assassination attempt wasn't staged and Trump isn't in on it.
There aren't many things gayer than paying to watch two half-naked men fight each other in a ring. Whether it's Wrestling or MMA, it's the gayest shit ever, no wonder Jews promoted that content to kids in the US. I can see why a woman would like it, so she can pretend they're fighting over her, but there's no excuse for the so-called men who enjoy watching it.
when you saw people walking about with chin diapers in 2020, that's when most of us realized that people as a whole need to be ruled. individuals can be resourceful and smart. but whenever people come together into large groups, their collective intelligence plummets. yes, there are elites running the world. yes, they suck. but when you look at all the sheep around you, do you pity them? i don't . no wonder smart men of history wanted to be left the fuck alone.