Man this sounds familiar!
And for anybody who thinks this is fake, heres the wayback machine.
Emily Goldstein was mostly telling the truth here (except for her claim of being white). This agenda to genocide caucasoids has been decades in the making.
Looks like Israel may have lost most of their F35's a few days ago.
@realman543 @Justicar @YoMomz well if we're talking preferences, I'm a fan of the classic impalement spike. It's simple and it makes a statement.
@Tfmonkey The logical reason for Russia or Iran to not retaliate right now is to not start WW3 with a major US election right around the corner. Trumps a deal maker and will cut a deal and end the violence/war. If Trump can't overcome Kamala's election stealing machine, I think Russia might just find its balls. Being weak promotes indeterminate future aggression, but retaliation promotes it immediately. The regime will always double down no matter what, its all they know.
Machinist and entrepreneur.