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I see a lot of anime and furry avatars in discord/slack chat rooms. Mostly related to coding. Does it mean coders are absofuckinglutely weird by nature or is it some default avatar setting by these platforms? it is quite concerning.

imagine how much money and inconvenience to the crew this one cunt has caused.

If you are a video game streamer and you play with subtitles on, you are a retard and fuck you.

Remember Gonzalo Lira / Coach Red Pill.

Just saw Deadpool & Wolverine...VERY gay movie. Jackman was amazingly great though.

Do you know the reason for crossing your legs into the lotus position during meditation? It is so in order to cut blood circulation into your legs so that you would get "high" by getting more oxygen into your head. Quite retarded, but those Indians were never that smart to begin with.

in case you're wondering, Futurama S12E01 was about NFTs :)

If you want to preserve your capital by avoiding the consequences of de-dolarization and do not want to be invested in assets, then the best bet is to keep your cash in NOK or CHF. This mostly concerns people whose national currency is or is pegged to USD and EUR.

those fuckers that keep spreading the bird flu, causing culling of millions of birds, and who knows what economic damages, need to be found and publicly impaled, broadcasted on live tv. covid, sars, mers.. those guys too. but this bird flu is repeated every couple of years like a clock. they need to be stopped in most painful and violent manner.

as your laundry detergents says on the box, don't mix whites with colors.

France should be banned from hosting Olympic games for ever.

RDJ in Avengers as Dr. Doom is pure desperation.

Once you start eating right(carnivore FTW), you start to notice other people's bad skin. Most, especially women, look like Michelin man. Their skin looks like pudding or jello. Pasty white, overall unhealthy, full of retained water due inflammation and carbs holding water molecules. On the other hand, I have noticed that I can retain darker skin shade after sun bathing, or just from walking around in the summer, for YEARS.

a youtube comment:

"A happy man doesn't need a woman to help him spend his OWN money..."

WTC was literally steel cage on the outside and on the inside. But they want us to believe it collapsed under the weight of couple floors like a pancake? Yeah. Sure...

If i lock my money in the bank for a year, i cang get 4% p.a. What a joke.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.