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Everyone pretends to know it all. But only the kid that had the courage in school class to put up his hand and keep asking questions, until all was clear, actually knows anything. Modern society hates learning and knowledge. Everyone wants to be as dumb as the next normie right next to them.

In the past, it took decades to brainwash children until the adulthood to be on board with the new program. Today it takes no more than 4 years of higher education. So in mere decade, with initial buffer period, you already own 10 generations of drones that come out if school every single year.

Islam is religion of the stupid. Christianity is religion of the slaves. Judaism is the religion of the wicked. Buddhism is the religion of the individualists. Taoism is the religion of the stoics. I think that explains why Islam is rising and why there are so many white atheists.

Why to people keep voting for their own extinction? Like Blackpilled said, this is not white replacement any more. This is white suicide.

Justicar boosted

i am seeing a lot of videos on youtube where people are moving from windows(11 mostly) to some linux distro. it seems microsoft really is going downhill.

China knows USA is aiming for them. Their best course of action would be to back up Iran against Israel.

Any interesting discord/slack groups worth joining?

Does anyone still remember how Russians found CIA bases all along the Ukraine-Russia border? Does anybody still remember how Russian found USA-funded bio labs in Ukraine where they were trying to genetically target Slavic people? Does anybody still remember the Moscow massacre in Crocus? It's like COVID, yesterday's news = irrelevant.

I'm thinking that i should be going to movie projections and just stand outside and peoplewatch. To see what people, who keep paying hollywood to destroy the society, look like.

seems like UK is catching up to wokeism at light speed. trying to overtake sweden.

I'm so glad i was finally able to get a mesh office chair earlier this year. I could not find anything good for ages. I almost bought Aeron for like 1700€, but luckily I found Ikea has new gaming chairs and one of them is the STYRSPEL and it's great. Cost me just 99€ and it's all steel, well made piece that will last me for years. Can recommend, though only in purple. The grey/red is ugly as fuck.

You know it is hot outside when your freaking eyes are sweating 🔥

The only way for a man to become immortal is through art. Art will carry man's essence throughout millennia in the hearts and minds of people.

People keep repeating "get woke, go broke", yet it took at least a decade for Paramout, one of the big guys, to finally fold. The fake Americn Budweiser is still in business. Many other brands too. So GWGB is not really working that well.

We live in a society where you can say "fuck" on national television, but you cannot say "retard" without getting dragged through the streets. Welcome to the 21st century.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.