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I've recently stumbled upon information that Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds' wife, is a total cunt. And there is quite a lot of drama surrounding here past and present interviews and behaviour on set and things like that. So I predict that she will divorce-rape Reynolds and take couple billions in a settlement. Not now, Reynolds is still "hot" and in demand, but give it couple of years where his star will be slowly dimming and I can see she will pull the trigger without hesitation.

All it takes for evil to triumph is for weak men to prevent the strong men to do the right thing.

why was YMCA song labelled as gay hymn, in a way? reading the lyrics, it looks like a positive and masculine song.

fyi Talisker and Caol Ila are presently the best value smoky scotch whiskies on the market.

among all the chaos this year, i have completely missed that alain delon has died. after belmondo, who died in 2021 at thr ame age of 88, the second largest movie star that france produced.

all problems in programming can be traced to "do not repeat yourself" tendency of programmers that want to standardize and unify all the things all the time. it makes sense from all angles. but in time, things start to diverge and become more unique and the unification will become an obstacle. nobody wants to fix one bug or make a universal change in 20 places, but in the long run, that's the best thing to do. repeat yourself should be the new mantra.

i had no idea ukraine was this woke. i would expect this type of case on usa, uk and whatnot, but not in slavic ukraine.

is the expression "holy shit" so popular because it is the most blasphemous expression someone could have come up with and it was an act of defiance of the religiousness of the time? i find it very weird that people talk like that. not that i have not used it, but my english is mostly based on american movies and television, so it's not my fault i speak like a ghetto nigger sometimes, instead of english aristocracy.

it makes perfect sense that people do not want to have kids these days. in the past, you could put them to work by age 8 and they were pulling their own wight and were an asset. But today, they won't pull their own weight, maybe even up to their 30s when they finally graduate with some worthless piece of paper and then will struggle to get by for another 10 years.So indeed, children are a liability these days. But it is not their fault, the society is simply broken.

the fact that sloths have not gone extinct for being easy prey, or the useless koala bears that live off a single type of tree shows you that even the laziest and most useless people will always have a place in the society...for some weird reason.

it is well known that gingers don't age well. seems Alyson Hannigan got lucky with the genes.

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