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Destroying White men's spaces and letting women/girls invade boys schools has given women free reign to groom generations of boys to be their simps. When the jews are expelled we will return to a *very* sex segregated society. The only way a woman should be able to receive a man's attention or support is by being a loyal dutiful wife
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@JuicyGothMommyFeet these bitch4es are like "bend opver backwards to be extra nice to her hten leave" wtf? what oyu talking about you stupid cunt? it's likea twisted perversion of turn the other cheek, lol.
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Woman cheated on me better kill myself. Fuck that kill her or at least the other guy.
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Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Hope your bellies are full and you had a wholesome time with family and friends. 😊

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>Women talking shit about men: It's true. Plus, you shouldn't take things so seriously. Or are you a child?
>Men talking shit about women: Why do you hate women so much, you disgusting incel!? I bet you also hate your mom!
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A club for red-pilled exiles.