@ButtWorldsMan with opec plus goading the us into dooomping their reserves I also see opportunity to buy early summer and sell when Russia pushes Ukraine's shit in. The fisher price Canadian version HUC is my weapon of choice
@ButtWorldsMan oils on sale today!
https://www.mining.com/web/lme-bans-russian-origin-metal-after-uk-us-impose-new-sanctions/. Good one LME fuck your self harder retards
https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-troops-killed-zelenskyy-675f53437aaf56a4d990736e85af57c4. Wow 31k dead? I fuckin doubt it.
https://toronto.citynews.ca/2024/02/24/trudeau-visits-kyiv-two-year-anniversary-of-russia-invasion/. Hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahah. What a faggot
@VooDooMedic Australian Arian hour.
@VooDooMedic Here is a white issue you roo fucking furry faggot. Whites get sun burn! How the fuck does taking women's rights away solve it? Well if you don't let the bitch in the sun the hag rag leather bag won't get burned.
@Tfmonkey blindness is a side effect of vaccine injury. Lol. The tiny capillaries!!!
It gets cold in the winter again! https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/us-energy-firms-prepare-extreme-freeze-could-hit-natgas-supplies-2024-01-12/. Good thing gas is free
Hey @DoubleD I made another post and forgot to finish it.. are you gonna publish something? Huh? Are you gonna do it? Uh oh did you puddle on the floor? Don't make me ask @ButtWorldsMan to help me coax you out of your corner. I know you can do it.
Fuck Israel. [Raging Dissident Podcast] RageCast 410: THEYRE IN THE WALLS! 🅴 #ragingDissidentPodcast
https://podcastaddict.com/raging-dissident-podcast/episode/169598042 via @PodcastAddict