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Pearly things is setting off a twitter storm on right wing twitter over how bad of a deal marriage is. It’s hilarious and also sad at the same time to see conservative inc and right wing women defend marriage until like schizo sjws. They’re losing their minds over the hint that pearly might be red pilling conservatives young guys into avoiding marriage. Really goes to show how both the left and right really just wanna enslave men for their own gain. Fuck them all.

If anyone had a half decent mother growing up. Regardless of what problems you may have with her, thank the heavens she wasn’t like this person.

Japanese women might be just as feminist as western women. But at least they understand you have needs.

Well Mr. White Supremacist maybe take your women’s rights away if you wanna preserve the white genes so badly? I guess you don’t want it badly enough.

Lol you literally control the womb. This has to be satire or fake. But there’s a good chance it’s not.

“You’re allowed to make fun of other horrific historic events but not the one that I care about”

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A club for red-pilled exiles.