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Been playing with some new tools, someone made a AI generation plugin for Krita. Using another program called "Easy Pose" a tool intended for artists to pose characters and plan lighting. I posed this character. Using features of the plugin this image will act as the composition, but will also be used to create a pose generation skeleton. Each of those nodes can be moved using vector tools.

Will be a great tool for quick planning.

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Darren Grimes @darrengrimes_ · Jul 11

“The Frenchman has worked and paid taxes all his life. Now he has to watch his homeland on fire.
People who have not worked a single day in France live off his taxes. They insult him and throw stuff at him. Beautiful retirement thanks to woke leftists.”

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What the fugees in France do to the truckers at night on their highways.

This will start happening here.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.