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Most aggravating behavior I see out of women is it's okay for them to be into anime, gaming and geek hobbies...

But the moment a guy admits to being into the same, it's seen as childish and you need to find something more 'productive' to enjoy.
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If anyone is interested in exploring these patterns, the code for this image in #rstats is (with a random palette and colour shuffling):


outer(-N:N,-N:N, \(x,y) ((x^2+y^2) %% 43) %% 15 ) |>

#math #mathart

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Kirby Air Ride Music: Item Bounce :

This is the most kike music I've heard in a Nintendo game lol

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Elon Musk likes my memes.

He just commented on one of my memes on a post where he's not tagged.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.