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How you wash your hair in space: demonstrated by astronaut Karen Nyberg on the International Space Station.

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Has anyone used Grayjay ?

This is an aggregator with multi-platform integration, which allows you to follow content creators on Youtube, Rumble, Bitchute, Peertube, etc.

Somewhat in the vein of thevertex.io


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>white Nationalists claim creating all white societies in the west is impossible because the J wouldn't allow it

>Amish communities are 100% white and Christian. Their leaders run these societies similar to a monarchy, with religious heads wielding near dictatorial power

> 7+ kids per woman. Women's rights are non existant in these places.

The fact that white nationalists don't attempt to copy this model shows most/all WN are larpers.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.