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Woman in a hard hat menstruated over to us and cunted at us about a mess we weren't making. Wish we could throw her off the side of the building.

@cjd I miss when we'd hear a concession speech and know for sure who the new prez was by 9pm. Ready for a week of half assed embarassing coup attempt I am not.

I keep seeing the white pill WN "when we win" intro to a statement, but nowadays I immediately think "Let's not be presumptuous. We can hardly agree on what day of the week it is ffs." It's easier to divide and conquer internet WNs than getting three fat sheboons with a cheap liquor buzz to start fighting with each other over nothing. Being on team White People is like not being on any team at all.

My white pill WN intro is, "If we ever get out of our own way and act like adults, ..."

@Shlomo They don't sound wrong. They seem responsible and prudent in the face of what USA/Israel/etc does and stands for.

@Justicar So many movies are not doing well that producers are extra worried and that worry chokes the talent and makes the problems worse and worse.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.