@placebo Poe's Law is laughing at me rn
Basic digestion helper that probably helps about 39 other issues:
In a pint glass:
1 or 2 cloves of fresh mashed garlic
1 tbsp honey
1-2 tbsp mashed fresh ginger root
juice from half of one juicy lemon or one whole dryer, more mealy lemon
2-3 tbsp raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar
Fill rest of way with water, stir, cover with plastic wrap, put in fridge. Stir it again and drink first thing in the morning.
@haruki_zaemon Congrats, you fell for an obvious population control agenda and have eliminated your retarded and tainted genetic material from continuing to slow down the rest of us. Thank you for erasing your crap biology from our already addled planet.
Warning: This will not alleviate yellow fever
@VooDooMedic can't live with them, can't make more taxpayers without them.
@BrazilianContrarian I think Hondas will generally last longer than VWs, but I like how VW tried to cheat the emissions faggotry, so 👍
When two wrongs make a right?
@judgedread Holy moly that Nas story takes me back. The same page of that book I was reading said Stalin's paranoia was self fulfilling prophecy- so was Bucky Fuller's optimism.
@VD15 capture the flag veto
New skin for the old ceremony.