
so the natives are learning from cultural enrichment ....the party has not even started yet

@VooDooMedic @zebuceta


no speed cameras to cuck you.dont have to worry about lemmings sharing the road with you and getting snuffed out involved in their #oroborosmaxxing games.

sure you fuck up majorly off the cliff its gg. but u die like a #RealMan and the bears might go balls deep in ur ass but atleast they wont be infested with uncurable stds like all the women. best part , no #rapeFalsies


#ridebdr .com


so many frontiers out there outside of a wet wrinkle hole that god knows how many penises and animals dicks or beasts? have used it all up. how many out there even know motorcycle camping is a thing. a great thing at that.

no speed cameras to cuck you.dont have to worry about lemmings sharing the road with you and getting snuffed out


#ridebdr .com


@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic


@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey @zebuceta oh boyos . better invest in the souls market #vaids #cjd #enjoythedecline


GUYS ISP and VISA HAVE STARTED BLOCKING VPNS #EnjoyTheDecline @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey @zebuceta @basedbagel

image unrelated


thanks for the dalio video, @Tfmonkey teefum , golly geee we are going to have a bad time @zebuceta wow i feel like an angel since i dont have debt , jesus christ #EnjoyTheDecline