"secure anonymous payment rails"
Its called cash.
Nothing on the internet will ever be really decentralized and anonymous and safe. Nothing. 0 exceptions. It's a nerd fantasy. Always has been. The answer is cash, less electronics not more. The foaming at the mouth retardation of nerds about crypto is the reason governments actually took time to look into it and come up with cbdc and their own tokenization that means literal supercommunism.
And you still insist.

RT: https://merovingian.club/users/Countermeasures/statuses/112797242268417446

@Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta As a techbro who has a gun next to the printer to shoot it in case it gets ideas, I understand the desire for less electronics. Also the wired internet has hard limits to how anonymous (and thus safe) it can be -- even if future crypto solutions are sound from a computer science perspective (current ones are *not*), this would be a problem.

That said, our physics brothers *do* have cute tricks that can give the surveillance state a run for their money.

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