"secure anonymous payment rails"
Its called cash.
Nothing on the internet will ever be really decentralized and anonymous and safe. Nothing. 0 exceptions. It's a nerd fantasy. Always has been. The answer is cash, less electronics not more. The foaming at the mouth retardation of nerds about crypto is the reason governments actually took time to look into it and come up with cbdc and their own tokenization that means literal supercommunism.
And you still insist.

RT: https://merovingian.club/users/Countermeasures/statuses/112797242268417446

@Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta Let's assume you are right and that we're not going to be able to get good enough payment processing. This means we have to provide an alternative to jewish-controlled media *on the cheap* -- a truly all-volunteer force -- at least until we can organize sufficient resistance to those who want to enslave and kill us.

Not impossible -- Fediverse is far better than nothing -- but it imposes additional severe constraints.

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