French cuckry is timeless. 😤 I wish I could knock this French quean unconscious.

@Indignation To be fair The Roman Empire Also got into The Simping Plage The Spartan Let woman inheret allowing woman bribe The senate and so on simping Is a very Old disease that started with agriculture.

@Indignation Not invented HELL YEAH They SPEND all they can to PROMOTED it in The WEST look all The Feminist movement were Paid by George Soros that Is a Well know fact already


@VeganMGTOW I argue that Americans simp for Jews more than they simp for women. 😂 Have you seen the GIF of Trump sucking Bibi’s dick?

@VeganMGTOW Americans (Boomers) and Pajeets simp for Kikes. Pajeets are sexually frustrated; they need Israeli cunt immediately; otherwise, they shit uncontrollably, thus polluting the world. No poop 💩 No Pajeet food

@Indignation Adventist and Politians from both wings (left-right) can't get enough from that JEWCUM.

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