Once you start eating right(carnivore FTW), you start to notice other people's bad skin. Most, especially women, look like Michelin man. Their skin looks like pudding or jello. Pasty white, overall unhealthy, full of retained water due inflammation and carbs holding water molecules. On the other hand, I have noticed that I can retain darker skin shade after sun bathing, or just from walking around in the summer, for YEARS.

@Justicar I like eating my vegetables, like snap peas, swiss chard potato raspberries. Carrots. I love my garden


@MrpoopyButhole i'd like to get me some nice slice of bread, with butter and sliced tomato, sprinkled with salt. or cucumber salad but i know it's not good for me so i don't. vegan food is survival food. not real food. but you do you, i am not judging.

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