
@mutageno2 this is aggressive architecture meant to be dehumanizing for the population.

None of the architects who made this live in those kinds of buildings.

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@Lorgar @mutageno2 To be fairy maybe these New design are met to acomodate a large crown of people that the old ones cause population density in cities

@Lorgar @mutageno2 it's MUCH cheaper to build this way. it's not about style but money and efficiency. look at modern cars and compare with the old ones made in the 70s and older. the reason they look today like they do is mostly safety and industrial manufacturing. even if you remove safety, shaping metals like the old cars had would require specialized equipment or manual labour. not everything is a conspiracy. try running a business, see how "easy" it is.

@Justicar @mutageno2 I'm sure it's cheaper. I hope we all get to live in Hive Cities, in pods and eat bugs. It will be cheaper even more.

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