Was at an AA meeting today. Supposedly a program of honesty. I tried explaining to the group that my difficulties interacting with women is one of the main reasons for my depression, and related drinking....i was laughed and ridiculed out of the room for making fallacious and "Divisive" statements about gender. When I refused to capitulate to their literally fallacious arguments, they began saying i was dangerous and likely the perpetrator of the next major gun incident in the news. niggers.

@PordanJeterson Don't red pill NPCs. They retaliate disproportionately. See, they've already threatened to write you up on mental health and get you put in a padded room. You're not going to go back there, are you?


@Mongoliaboo Dont NPC pill RED's, They surrender too easily, see.... They've already done their best to get you out of the mental hospital, don't betray their efforts and go back!

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