The Houthis take responsibility for two sunken US ships. Any news in that regard ?

@Wopu Hit or sunk? They got a plucky hit on a carrier a while back, but if they actually sunk a US warship, that means RU's letting them use their new toys and it's on like Donkey Kong.

@RegalBeagle I wish you good fucking luck figuring it out but at least here's the video statement:

Title translated by DeepL:

Yemeni Armed Forces statement by Brig. Gen. Yahya Sareeh | Latest Yemen News The sinking of the aircraft carrier Eisenhower 2024

@RegalBeagle Nevermind title is bullshit according to top commenter :

"In his statement, the Brigadier General did not mention anything about the sinking of the USS Eisenhower. Please be accurate in your messages, and I say this in defense of your respected channel so that it is not misunderstood, and God is behind the intention."


@Wopu Thanks for the clarification

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