@merchantHelios More people don't use Linux because the concept of complete freedom is terrifying to them.

@RegalBeagle you're dumb. people dont use linux as a regular desktop environment because they want their computer to actually work for the things normal people use their computer for.
@merchantHelios @RegalBeagle Linux on the desktop is easy, it's not Linux's fault that Big Normie is an NPC.
@yockeypuck @merchantHelios @RegalBeagle I've been full time Linux for something like 16 years at this point. It's not perfect but its light years better than windows in my humble.
Lots of NPCs don't actually "use" a computer, they memorize steps to get what they want. The abstract concepts common to all computers are unknown to them, meant for nerds only. They've never heard of Linux. Windows is computers to them. The two things they do for their job is computers to them. Facebook is computers to them. If something looks a way they don't expect, they panic. Actually reading what's on the screen is the last thing they'll do because computers are hard, and all the words are confusing.

Source: Three decades in the industry.
Printers are their own unique disaster area. Nothing has been improved about them since Windows 95.

@MeanwhileInOhio @Escoffier @merchantHelios @Seattle_Guy @yockeypuck It's weird that my 3d printer gives me less problems than any traditional printer ever has. Could be that I only ever print stl files off an SD card, though. I'm too scared to use the USB interface.

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