does anyone have first hand experience with curved vs straight steel plates? training not ballistic

also weight, i dunno if i want to bother with the 8s on the regular


i'm kinda wanting a curved, like 3d, front and a flat back but i dunno, i can't see the front curved plate being comfortable on my back, especially if i put a backpack or hydration system on

i'm kinda considering plates based on usefulness in a shtf situation as well, not necessarily as ballistic armor but riot armor

i'm a poor who runs olympic plates in my vest now for training purposes

@dictatordave Don't get steel plates. Spalling can be more lethal than the bullet stopped. Fancier ones will advertise antispall liners, and that's fine until the hardened plate skids bullet fragments off the plate and into your chin. Even fancier ones will have a front coating to help catch the bullet, but now it's even heavier. Plates are pretty much the last thing you want to invest in for your prep and you might as well get good ones that aren't going to slow you down as much.

@RegalBeagle fren, please reread my poast
i explicitly ask about training plates
i was specifically asking about contoured training plates
explicitly say its not for ballistic purposes

i know all about ballistic plates and the problems with spall, its why i got ones with a nice coating, and i dont need a lecture about prepping priorities

do you have any advice on horizontal vs vertical curves on training plates? and 5 vs 8 lb plates for regular use and not like murph and tactical games stuff?

also i asked about curved front and straight back training plates.

do you guys have to fail a reading comprehension test to join merovingian club? seems like no one over there is an english first language sort

@dictatordave Short answer: no.

I'm a dog with a short attention span and limited command of the English language. Given they're steel, why do you need training plates? They're not gonna shatter like ceramics or hybrids. No need to worry about swapping plates between training sessions and putting wear on the kevlar behind them. My plates are multicurve and a very snug fit in the carrier. Swapping them would be a giant pain in the ass.

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@RegalBeagle dont mind my attitude, you know how thursday be, anyway, this setup is just for workouts, so not like running around the backyard doing some tacti-cool drill or something, so i'm not worried about swapping them out, they'll stay in this plate carrier for good, its real comfy.

the ballistics are multi curve front and flat back which i find very comfy

i've also considered just getting cheap ballistic plates as a backup and just letting them ride in this vest but the problem with that is they aren't heavy enough to get a good pump so i'm back where i started, and buying the wrong like crossfit sort of plates could be an expensive proposition, i guess i could return them if i didn't like them but i have other shit to do, know what i mean

@dictatordave When I ruck/workout, I just use a weight vest. Also nice because you don't have Karens calling cops on you, should you decide to work out around the neighborhood. Think it ran me ~$60 a couple years ago.

@RegalBeagle the karens can get fukt to death by a pack of niggers and illegals for all i care
@RegalBeagle yea i honestly dont have much faith in civility in the future for the us
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