News from Russia: the biggest threat to society is "zoomers"

A concern is growing in Russia about a whole generation of young people, who do not want to work. If they do work, they burn out very quickly. They are called "zoomers".

Zoomers not only do not want to work, but they don't want to own property either. It's too bothersome. They live in "co-living" quarter (like commercial dorms) and they use car-sharing services.

Naturally, they do not marry and reproduce either.

The only viable solution appears to be a totalitarian dystopia, where zoomers are concentrated in camps and made to work and raise children with a threat of violence by the state.

@zaitcev I don't blame the zoomers. They were forced through useless gov schools, indoctrinated to hate themselves, their culture, their country, their family, and even the concept of the family unit.

Now they can't get a decent job without becoming a debt serf and getting even more indoctrinated for a degree of varying utility. Why bother trying? Sitting on ass collecting welfare with a bunch of roomates isn't so bad, from their perspective.

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@RegalBeagle @zaitcev The talking heads on TV now discuss corporal punishment at school and at work. Not even joking.
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