This refrigerator is from 1963. How did we make them less useful in the next 50 years.

thanks jews


$497 in 1963 adjusted for 2024 inflation is $5,112.86

And that's based on the official inflation rate. The real rate is higher.

@RichardJohnson @BigTLarrity in 1963 residential fridges were only maybe 50 years old, and production was highly manual
a feature comparable (ish) Samsung is $2400, and it's built by robots and enslaved children
and when my Samsung ate shit 2 years in nobody could fix it, whereas i've been to an office that has a fridge from 1960-something that's still going
(i know, survivor bias, but still)
let's not forget that a fridge in 1963 was considered a durable good; modern fridges litter junkyards because they are considered nearly disposable, and it shows

@JoshuaSlocum @BigTLarrity @RichardJohnson I've got a Hotpoint circa 1956 that's still pumping out ice cold brewskies and suffocating children that play hide and seek in it. We don't build 'em like we used to.

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