
I hate fats almost as much as niggers and zionists. If you're a fat white reading this, fix your shit. Your ancestors are just as disgusted with you as I am and you're unprepared for what the future holds. Off to the squat rack I go.

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@RegalBeagle ...just turned down an absolutely yummy looking pastry treat at my last call because.... ITS MORNING TIME AND I DON"T EAT THAT KIND OF EMPTY CALORIE SHITE!

(Its how I'm ~155 & 50yr old & mostly in shape aight)

@RegalBeagle my ancestors didn't had to sit, motionless, behind a computer 10 hours a day. every day. they had to hunt for food to, you know, survive. we live in a very different times. little bit of excessive fat is not out of the ordinary for the life in a modern society. is it healthy? depends on how much you're overweight but it is not the end of the world.

@Justicar As long as our just in time delivery system and electronic fiat currency continue to function, sure. When it doesn't, shit get real 3rd world, real fast.

@RegalBeagle suck my fat black dick just like the whore women you raised whitey😜

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