
I am desperate so I'm gonna try this out. I've spent the last 10 years at a company that closed down, doing so many different things. Listed below are some, but not all, of my core skillset:

- 8 years of Sysadmin experience in a fast paced workplace. I used shell scripts to interface with API's and ansible to set up thousands of websites. I also monitored the sites to ensure none of them went down. If they did go down? I was the person who handled them. I also managed all of our self hosted infra (Mattermost, Nextcloud, etc.)
+ Learned new technologies that benifited the entire corporation and helped teach others how to properly use said technology. My biggest achievements would be designing and implementing multiple airtable bases to help smooth operations and data entry for everyone at every level of the company.
+ For monitoring and more complex workflows outside of the scope of shell and ansible, I utilized in house python scripts I designed to interface across various platforms to make them interoperable - and more importantly, automated.
+ I have a STRONG familiarity with Linux environments. I've used nearly every relevant Linux distro out there, and even some not so relevant, so I could learn exactly how every piece of software works with each other. More importantly, I can troubleshoot most errors.
- 10 years of social media advertising. I've seen Facebook ads manager and all it's changes over this time, and adapted marketing strategies to their ever changing rules. I've helped sell millions USD worth of all sorts of different types of products targeted from young men, to older females to both at the same time.
+ I also led the design of landing pages during this position, and have an extensive knowledge of CMS systems, along with HTML+CSS, even some JS.
- While doing both of the above roles, I managed and led a team of 10+ across the globe. I helped coordinate working hours for people in the Philippines, Bosnia, and America. Ensuring that everyone was always in the loop with each other and worked as a cohesive team. Despite time zone and cultural differences.


@thegreatape IT is hard. I would have thought being a troon would help you if you're in the West.

If you're barking up the fedi tree, you're gonna wanna cut the troon shit out. No one here wants to bring your mental illness into their workplace.

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