I realized the same hub system I plan to use for building domes will also work well for building tinnels as well. So I can dig a "trench", add a tunnel frame, cover in tarp, and cover all that in soil. Connect several half burried domes and I've got a nice place to live.

@dwarvenallfather Check your soil types before you bury anything. Expansive soils will crush anything underground like a soda can when it rains if you don't design with them in mind.

I'm looking at a desert and not deep burying but half burying
@[email protected] he burried deeper than I plan to and I'm aiming for the desert so besides little rain very different soil.

@dwarvenallfather It's less the amount of rain, rather the frequency. Desert soils with high clay contents are some of the worst for underground construction since they're bone dry most of the year. When the rain comes, they swell and produce intense pressures.

One good thing the government actually does is survey soils across the US for planning purposes: websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/ap

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