Hey man thanks for the comical misspelling of israel that emphasizes your disdain for it, i don't think I could have figured out how you feel about it without that
I always just spell it as isreal. Is that wrong?
I don't mean like morally I mean is it incorrect?
People shouldn't count the kikes out just because theyve been embarrassed. Theyll launch a nuke if they actually feel threatened and the US government wont do shit. Theyre most dangerous when theyre down.

@transgrammaractivist @JSDorn @doctorsex @Turdicus They can't get a nuke to the US and even if they could, I'm out in the sticks. Israel has ~40 nukes total, but if they go full Sampson, they're toast. The world would be forced to deal with a rogue nuclear state and no amount of Zionist bribery will save them.

Or maybe the world is a bunch of giant cucks and they get away with it. Who knows?

Iran cant hit the US obviously but isreal can hit them. Theyre also not gonna do a "samson option" just nuking a major city or infrastructure. The only ones who could really stop them are the US. They hold all the arabs hostage under nuclear threat. Hell itll probably be trump as president when it happens and he'll brag about it.

@transgrammaractivist @RegalBeagle @JSDorn @doctorsex Trump: I got israel to not do the Samson option, you know Samson. The guy with all the hair. That sword hanging. Great guy. We love Samson don’t we folks? He killed the lion. Wore his pelt while doing his 12 labors. What a great guy. I love jews

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