
Why is the government bothering with importing illegals? The labor they provide isn't worth the cost of bringing them here and dealing with the infrastructure damage they cause. Their votes aren't needed because the government is already rigging elections.

Seems unnecessarily complicated. No one did anything when the rigged the vote and no one does anything when they fly in millions of illegals, but one of these is WAY easier to execute than the other. Seems kinda tryhard.

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@RegalBeagle Actually they want All Those illegal so they can harvest the blood sacrifice when the native and illegal kill bewteen themselves.

@VeganMGTOW I've got to admit, that makes a lot more sense in the context of our elites worship a giant owl naked in the woods and are all jewish pedophiles. I need to look into the occult angle more

@RegalBeagle from what i have heard on why the "elites" are behaving like they do, it is about consumption. the larger and richer your consumer base is, the more power you have because you can spend more and you can leverage producers and you can borrow more.

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