The Washington Post is publishing FEMA fan fiction about "armed militias" "hunting them" in North Carolina:

"Two federal officials confirmed the authenticity of the email, though it was unclear whether the quoted threat was seen as credible."
Too bad because all that tacticool bullshit they have on doesn't stop a 30-06.

@Dudebro @jb @RadixVerum Level IV plates are rated to stop 30-06, so aim upper waist/crotch if engaging feds.

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It's always funny seeing feds and piggies walking around with empty plate carriers because they're soft bitches who can't handle the heat.
>what do you know about dead feds?

Dead feds? Folks round these parts say mothman stalks his prey with .308 in Appalachia. I think theyre crazy, either ways I'd stay out of them woods.
Possibly? Maybe Mothman isn't any one single person, maybe just an idea......
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