why dost my

sudo mount xxx.xxx.x.xxx:dir/ /dir -o vers=4;

not work over lan?

why does it require external internet access to mount something on my local network

@binkle my mount scripts have // in front of the IP address
@binkle I wrote them a long time ago and don't really remember the details

but I remember it being fiddly as hell getting them working right
@binkle when I tried mine without the // it gave me a bad UNC path error

but this appears to be related to using CIFS and not mount in general

so my scripts are like

mount -t cifs //ipaddress/directory /target [a bunch of login shit]
@deprecated_ii maybe it's something to do with CIFS. I'm not familiar with it
@binkle yeah I have little understanding of how mounting remote stuff works under the hood, I just muddled my way to something that was reliable for my setup. I should probably learn...

@deprecated_ii @binkle CIFS has an option for everything. I got an fstab with CIFS remote mounts working years ago and haven't touched it since. Powerful, ancient magic, CIFS be.

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