Whether a man coerced his wife into surgery or obstructed her, he's wrong in both scenarios. He can only passively support. You go girlfriend. "BUSTING OUT I dreamt of having big bust but my husband shot me down – so I DUMPED him, got a boob job & I’ve never been happier" thesun.co.uk/fabulous/29977895

She was going to leave him anyway, you stupid nigger.

Imagine supporting this whore in any way.

Simp harder, and maybe she'll step on your face.
If she wasn't going to leave him, she most certainly would've cheated on him. i'LL fLaUnT mY FaKe TiTs iN pUbLiC aNd mAkE mY hUsBaNd sUpEr jEaLoUs
> I don't feel like men want to shove their cocks in me while I'm shopping.
Aww Im sure it isnt that bad cutie. I bet plenty of men see you in the produce aisle and want to bum you.
@Humpleupagus @AdolfoHitlero @Deplorable_Degenerate @SamHarris @MCMLXVIIOTG Is this the real Sam Harris? The one and only intellectual artillery masterclass fedora tipper atheist extraordinaire?

@white_male @AdolfoHitlero @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @MrpoopyButhole @MCMLXVIIOTG If you want to explore your sexuality, there are more productive ways to do so than trying to denigrate others with offensive terms. I'm a family man, why do you take such interest in my sexuality?

>oFFeNsiVe tErM
This guy (at a minimum) supports faggots.
>i'M a FaMiLy MaN
LOL. Define "man". Define "family". Define "marriage". Everything about pooftas and their ilk is offensive. As are the people who think they should be protected from criticism.

@MCMLXVIIOTG Why do I feel like I'm talking with an old friend. This platform, like all the others, will be shut down because of the things said by those of us who lack self-restraint, not because of any cogent and reasoned argument advocated by myself or any other thinking person.

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