@epictittus The only thing that gets Trump in is if the kikes seeking our deaths decide he is a better bet for their conquest of the light cone.

The good news is the kikes who want Trump are wrong, he's of some use in buying time enough for us to devise a countermeasure.

Because if the balloon goes up today the White race dies crawling and licking kike boots as they shoot us in the back of the head.

Almost no spirit of self preservation remains, no one outside maybe 10,000 anons on the face of the earth dares raise the idea that all jews must be destroyed in an unironic manner
@judgedread @epictittus Disagree on that one. If the kikes started doing to white American children what they are doing right now in Gaza, a significant portion of white Americans would revert into the depraved animals that we were during the most violent periods of the Revolutionary War. I don’t believe that will ever be bred or conditioned out of us.

I remember about 15 years ago, Harold Covington related a conversation that he once had with an old Lithuanian man who was bookstore owner and had been a veteran of the anti-Soviet resistance during WW2. He told Covington simply, “If there is any one people who will end up being the ones who save the white race, it will either be Russians or Americans. Because you’re both pigs.”
@admin I refer to a well structured controlled campaign where the left starts by putting 'Trumpists' and 'MAGAts' in camps as subversives after starting some bullshit war and declaring martial law, and then slowly escalating. They won't mess with kids openly until 90% of White men are dead.

Phase one your White neighbor would be ratting you out as a 'Russian sympathizer' because you didn't attend the pro-Ukraine rally.

If jews lose cultural control and a viral JRM video drops they will be exterminated globally.

@judgedread @admin

If you’re in Minnesota, your White neighbor will rat you out for not attending a pro-Ukraine rally.

If you’re in the South, the White men of military age won’t, because they think the USG is illegitimate.

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