The evil forces have a few priorities. Here they are with Biden's grade:

Keep White men down. A
Mass brown turd immigration. A+
Protect Israel. F
Contain Russia. F
@judgedread I think Trump gets mostly the same grades. My theory is that reduced immigration under his presidency is more due to sentiment around him than his own policies or actions, if the MSM didn't make him sound like Hitler towards beaners there would be no change.
@MeBigbrain @judgedread yeah basically. it's the same bullshit as when they say they reduced inflation. ok, cool. inflation is a rate of increase so all you did was slow it down a little. reducing immigration doesn't actually get rid of shitskins just like reducing inflation doesn't lower prices but that is how they portray it.
@EssentialUtinsil Worse is worse, and Trump was better.

Of course this is graded on the curve that ends in the abyss.

Only physical removal - vertical or horizontal - implemented by non-political means will solve this and the related jew problem.
@judgedread if you look carefully at the graph (look_at_this_graph.jpeg) you see a lull at the beginning of his term which could be attributed to shitskins being afraid of evil trump, then it starts shooting up at about the same rate as before once they figure out that está todo bien, until covid, which is the only reason 'trump was better' and trump didn't even want to do anything. and after covid it had already started skyrocketing again even before the election was stolen, so he's not getting a pass on that.
@EssentialUtinsil You're making me want to put up a Trump yard sign.

Chaos is a ladder.
@judgedread don't pin your barely repressed faggotry on me.
@EssentialUtinsil It's funny how much you losers hate me.

And after all I did to try and save you from this.


I can see why EssentialUtinsil is so upset that he lives in an NYC closet apartment, that shares a communal bath with six other closet apartments.

I would be miserable too, if I was an effete urban bugman.

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