#GOP #Election2024 #ralleyshooting I see top Republicans are consistent in the reaction to another shooting incident: Thoughts and prayers.


Did you actually think that real Americans will hand their guns over to the same people who tried to assassinate their leader?


The real WTF is you people thinking that real Americans in the Red States will just hand over their guns to DC/NYC, after DC/NYC attempted to assassinate their leader Donald Trump.

You damn well know this.

@StarProphet and you people are constantly fabricating bizarre conspiracy theories.



You are not allowed to normalize political assassinations, then demand that the other faction disarm and hand over their guns to your DC/NYC masters.

When political assassinations get normalized in a republic, they don't get de-normalized.

You are now a combatant. You don't get to play "I'm an innocent civilian" in the 2nd US Civil War.

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