Sensitive topic, but I feel strongly:

Some Christians were outraged at the Olympics opening ceremonies because they thought a brief scene mocked the Last Supper. In fact, the scene was an interpretation of the Feast of Dionysus. (The giant blue Greek God in the center of the table was a pretty obvious tell, I think.)


But beyond the fact that some religious people were vocally outraged over a misunderstanding, there's something even more important, I think, about this incident: They were getting incensed over something inconsequential in a world with profound challenges and needs for those of faith.


If someone is so moved to express disgust over a few fleeting seconds of an Olympics Ceremony but has never once been moved to comment on Christians screaming for “Mass Deportation,” wearing “God, Guns & Trump” t-shirts, or supporting (by a wide margin) a dangerous, narcissistic, unethical, faithless adulterer for President, then I have some question about what triggers their outrage.


I do not believe God requires us to defend Him from symbols in art and entertainment. Instead, He implored us to defend the poor, needy, vulnerable and downtrodden. What happens in the Olympics opening ceremonies is insignificant; what happens with programs for seniors, how the Federal government treats immigrants, and whether we cut the safety net for those living on the margins matters more--or should, at least.


Let's save our outrage for the meaningful and important. We only add heat to an already hot world by screaming over every perceived slight. The world needs more light and less heat!

@augieray Id like to see even a spec of evidence that they are “Christian”

That's a no-true-scotsman. These people are Christian as they identify as such.

@Tbsa @augieray

@Pepijn @Tbsa @augieray This really is the goal and challenge for Christians who think differently: how to obviously differentiate oneself/group *and* avoid the "who is REALLY" a Christian diversion.

@JustTooOdd @Pepijn @Tbsa My take: It is meaningless to try to devise a test for who is or is not a Christian. And it doesn't matter. What we need to do is to encourage those who identify as Christian to live in the ways the Bible demands. I don't care who is a "fake" or "real" Christian--I care that people who call themselves Christian live in unChristlike ways and harm others because of the manipulation of their faith.

@augieray @JustTooOdd @Pepijn We don’t have to devise a test. God already did that. Simple browsing of the ten commandments pretty much exposed the charade. If you’re going to support a rapist don’t run around acting like god would condone that. They murder, they lie, they steal, and they rape. That is NOT Christian. Period.

@Tbsa Not to dive into theology too much, but if you're going to gatekeep based on "ten commandments" it's best to say which version of the the decalogue you go for..

I get that you say some people are not acting "Christian-like", but why not focus on them being "shit humans" instead. It keeps their actions with them and doesn't elevate Christianity to some higher or "better" ethical level.

edit: oh, @Tbsa blocked me. That's not very ten command like now is it? ;-)

@augieray @JustTooOdd

@Pepijn @augieray @JustTooOdd Don’t support a rapist who murdered a million people lying about a deadly airborne virus because it makes you look bad. Let’s start there. If you support a vile piece of shit. You’re NOT a good person.

@Starprophet Bullshit, and you could know it, if you didn't choose to believe in Bullshit instead.

@Tbsa @Pepijn @augieray @JustTooOdd



What's bullshit was the claim that BLM niggers were immune to a flu virus. What's bullshit was the counting of gunshot deaths and motorcycle crash deaths as coronahoax deaths.

All claimed by highly credentialed quacks, who deserve to be burned alive on a 4k livestream.

@Tbsa @Pepijn @augieray @JustTooOdd @SilverDeth

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Boo hoo, nobody except wine aunts will ever believe your social class ever again.

@wonka Nothing wrong with racism - being proud of your race's superiority is reasonable and desirable.

Did you know I've taught all three of my kids to be extremely racist - and very kike aware?

Shuffle off and die now boomer-nigger.
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