
How the "wifejack, wifeguy" concept is being used by Con Inc shabbos goyim on X:

“Let me tell the men out there, you do not spend a dime on video games or sports games or things for yourself until your wife does not have to worry about finances. You come last in the family when it comes to finances. Period. That is your job.”

But like last time, this BS is getting pushback from young men. And it will fail again.

The young men in the comments are mocking the tradcucks, lol.


does anyone honestly look for Internet personalities to give them lifestyle advice after the wash your penis man had a chemically induced coma to get him off of Xanax?
@Starprophet Charlie Kirk is only known because his rich father gave $10 million+ to the Trump campaign and arranged for his useless son to meet Orange Man. Then daddy created Turning Point USA to hire his otherwise unemployable son to be its president and spokesman.

He knows absolutely nothing about providing for his own wife and kids.

Now you know the rest of the story.
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