Frustrated, watched the Trump rally at La Crosse yesterday and was hoping for some actual important discussion. No, he mentioned China, Mexico, and fake news within the first 30 minutes. Which means he thinks the problem is immigration.

Immigration is a symptom of the problem and not the actual problem which is low birth rates and the government subsidizing people’s lifestyle with printed money. But how else are the politicians supposed to get votes?!

The US is fucked currently.

@TenaciousGoat listen to blackpilled. he talked about trump couple of times in his recent streams. in short, trump is no salvation and might actually be worse because it will put many, shall we say right wingers?, at bay and make them think things are getting better while they are most definitely not. with democrats running the show, people are at least alert to what is going on.


@Justicar I appreciate the summary, and I agree with you. Trump offers the uninformed the illusion of salvation.

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