@amerika Purpose is easy; produce something for society. It’s an outward concept. Meaning is more difficult. Especially since the only person who’s ever going to be there for you no matter what happens is yourself.


There's degrees of purpose.

Some is adaptive, like you mention, but there is also a need for the transcendent.

Without it, people become merely reactive.

@amerika Transcendent purpose then can be what you want to build. You can start with yourself, then your home, support your friends and family. Support your community. Build a family, support your wife and kids etc.


I think that is adaptive purpose. Transcendent is less tangible.

@amerika Hmm, I’m curious if you can find the answer then.

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I write about it a lot, but not enough.

Evola mentions the classic Indo-European goal, excellence ("arete").

Romantic poets and philosophers talked about the good, the beautiful, and the true.

I aspire to the beautiful and real at least.

A few options:



These exist in the intersection between philosophy, religion, and Darwinism so beware :)
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