Decent longpost about why feminization will likely spell the end of academia:

1. Men compete with each other, it's how we're wired
2. Competition leads to results
3. Results lead to prestige, which is what makes universities convince people to attend and fund them
4. But when a field is perceived as woman dominated, men leave, because competing with women is not something men do
5. When men leave, the field becomes girl-coded and results drop off because (in general) women don't compete like men do.

@cjd women are just straight up retarded.

There is a reason why every successful civilization in human history pre 1920s did not allow women to choose who they married, and did not allow women to chase careers and money.

Because when women are given freedom to choose their partners, they simply chase after the top 20% of wealthy men.

They can't help it, hypergamy is in their DNA.

If you catch a woman off guard, she will freely admit this

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I've heard that Chinese don't make delude themselves, but having a woman just matter of fact lay out what Ho Math says is pretty impressive.
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