@mackya I don't think so.

The "tomboy", which people see in cartoons and TV shows and anime does not really exist.

In real life, a tomboy is just a butch lesbian.

And thinking logically, it makes sense that butch lesbians just become trannies now that it's acceptable in society.

Women are not meant to be masculine. If a woman is interested in masculine things, she is likley autistic, and/or a carpet muncher

Tomboys did exist, I was friends with several. We're talking before they hit puberty, and have not gained their feminine features yet.

@mackya after puberty what happened to them?

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They didn't become lezbos like your retarded theory.

@mackya did they stay tomboys as adults? Or did they just grow into normal women?

Out of the 4 I played with as a child, 3 of them are now married with kids. The last I heard of the other one was that she became a model, I have no idea what she's doing now.

@mackya yeah, most females, if their smart, grow out of the whole tomboy thing when they grow up.

The ones that don't, become trans or bullDikes

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