
Women don't understand what makes them attractive.

Men are attracted to youth and beauty; women are attracted to status.

Women think because THEY are attracted to status and money, men must be too.

So these women waste their youthful & fertile years chasing useless degrees and climbing the corporate ladder.

When they are middle aged, they think they are 10/10s because they have money and credentials now.

These woman than get butthurt when successful men are chasing 20yo cashiers.

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@ToyotaTime A degree just means they're more of a cunt than the rest, have ruined their pair bonding ability with the cock carousel, have been brainwashed with marxism, and have a ton of debt, it's a negative on every front.


Your correct but I would like to add, while the progressive brainwashing is real, women are naturally just Marxists

Female nature is to seek protection and provision. So of course women are going to lean into any ideology that promises free stuff.

That is simply their nature. They can't help it.

Today, a college educated woman just means shes a raging man hating cunt that Will never be content because she poisoned her brain trying to go against nature

@ToyotaTime Yes, most women do think men want what they want. It’s a lack of not wanting to understand a man’s position and perspective. Just as we should be open to trying to understand a woman’s perspective to better love and support them.

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