More of a fascist, really. But hey, let's not split hairs, it's the spirit that counts. Anyway, I never would've found myself walking this incredibly based path without a decade's worth of prodding from progressive retards like you. So, thanks.


I'm in between a Facist and a Libertarian.

a strong government is necessary to to protect a nation from threats.

On the other hand. The governments of the west have been controlled by jews for 200+ years. The jews have used government power to force progressive BS on citizens.

Communist governments were controlled by jews(the bolsheviks and Marx were jewish)

The U.S Civil War and later desegregation was forced by the u.s feds.

Governments are just too easily subverted by jews

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@ToyotaTime @Hoss Which is why the basis of any government should be inherently anti-jewish in construction. Something that jews cannot change like a mask is their DNA. We can use that as a way to exclude them from us.
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