these pro natalist memes are weird.
Because for some reason, whenever there's an image of a man with his imaginary family in a meme, he always only has daughters.
Why do these chronically online dudes imagine family's with only daughters? I think it's because zoomers are generally low T
I think it's due to western guys living in gynocentric societies.
When women are put on a pedestal, and assumed to be equal, of course males are going to wish for daughters over sons.
How many guys went crazy over this macdonalds ad? "Men only want one thing" type stuff.
it could also be a function of the "bart effect"
For decades, little boys in media have been portrayed as basically retarded, troublesome brats that don't amount to much
Daughters on the other hand are portrayed as angels who are super smart and grow up successful just by default
Lisa vs bart simson is an example of this
This is somewhat also related to the "dumbass dad trope" in media. Where a guy marries a woman way out of his league that he doesn't deserve.