
these pro natalist memes are weird.

Because for some reason, whenever there's an image of a man with his imaginary family in a meme, he always only has daughters.

Why do these chronically online dudes imagine family's with only daughters? I think it's because zoomers are generally low T

@ToyotaTime @BowsacNoodle How is a man surrounded by women low T? Are you stupid? Of course that's the male fantasy. There's the man and he has his entourage. You could have the sons, but an image needs to have good memetic impact, and the half second it takes for your brain to parse that those are supposed to be your sons are taking away from it. Like yeah, if I were to create state propaganda, I would include sons, but if you're trying to create a viral image, it's just going to be women, and that's male nature.

@Kane @BowsacNoodle

I'm not saying that this is always the case. Maybe these memes of guys with all female children are a reflection of men who want to provide and protect for women. These guys just really want to sacrifice for females, which is normal.

The biological drive to protect women might indeed lead a man to prefer daughters. Kind of crazy though as your basically envisioning a life of servitude.

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