This world is being destroyed by the judeo-chinese coalition..

I am calling for the rearmament of all Anti-chinese empires: British, French, Spanish, and Japanese to invade china and make what we did in peking look like a boy's night out.

@whiteman_ China isn't the enemy, and they aren't united with jews at all.

In fact, the jews are angry that the Chinese won't allow them to influence their ruling class.

So the jews push propaganda like this to make the Chinese out as evil.

Jews do this to Russians as well.

The Chinese are actually based on the JQ

@ToyotaTime LMFAO if they are based and yet they attack Whites by continuoisly spying on us and stealing our tech and destroying White companies whilst trading with jews

They like ruining the environment that is jewish behaviour

@whiteman_ the Chinese do not attack WHITES. They attack NATO countries (the U.S.A for example) because nato is trying to destroy China.

Russia is a white country, but China isn't attacking Russia. China has absolutely no issue with white countries that leave them the fuck alone.

And I don't believe any news about how China is "destroying the environment" any more than I believe news about Russia doing the same.

It's all propaganda. The J fears those that they cannot control.

@ToyotaTime China stole our tech and gleefully took it from jews. China viciously engaged in anti-White business practices to destroy our industries.

China being based is like saying antisemitic groypers are based.

IDC about other peopls than ours. Chinese willingly supported jewish anti-White libel when they come to America and other White countires. They have also destroyed our food supplies.

My point is that both hate us and IDC about their sovereignty
@whiteman_ @ToyotaTime inb4 pony panda comes to cry and call everyone a jew for not thinking china is based
@SaltWraith @whiteman_ @ToyotaTime this is another one of those situations where you can say "actually I'm not required to take either side, thanks"
@sickburnbro @whiteman_ @ToyotaTime The Chinese are a merchant race, they will only do things that are self serving. It's nice when their goals indirectly benefit us, but we just really need to bully out the instinct to want to make a world power/ world leader that goes against the grain sometime in to another daddy to hang all your hopes on.

@SaltWraith @sickburnbro @whiteman_

They are not your enemy, and they are also not your friend.

For now, you share a common enemy.

"I am not altogether on anybody’s side, because nobody is altogether on my side"

But we can work together.

@ToyotaTime @sickburnbro @whiteman_ "Work together"? That's a bit grandiose. We just signal boost news stories and talking points that are in line with our general rhetoric. That's not really a "working relationship".

@SaltWraith your taking things too literally.

Obviously we don't individually affect the course of the world. I'm referring to our people, or whatever group you identify with.

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@ToyotaTime Who? White nationalists? Even if we got over all our infighting we're still a relatively small fringe political movement that's demonized at every turn. China has no reason to make any special considerations for us. Our relationship to China really isn't any different from when the CIA gasses up local dissidents in countries they want to start shit in.

@SaltWraith more like Nationalists in general.

Like Italian Nationalists, German Nationalists ect...

White Nationalists are too obsessed with race to actually accomplish anything. It's impossible for them to work together due to constant purity testing + infighting

It seems like racial identity is a poor motivator for action.

National and cultural identities are much easier to rally people around

@ToyotaTime National and cultural identity is a lot easier to subvert though. "this nigger was born here" "This jew was born here, therefore you should listen to them when they say this tradition is actually bad"


In a way, yes.

However racial identity is also easily subverted. Evidenced by the large amount of jews that pass themselves off as white.

Or the large amount of actual white people that accuse each other of being 0.000001% jewish

You can easily prevent national identity from being subverted by running a tight ship. Like how Russia or China run their countries.

@ToyotaTime Racial identity is much harder to subvert, it's more that people constantly discouraged from thinking racially.
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