Let it be known I will not be respecting any of these illegitimate laws yuroserfs are trying to enforce on the American digital territory that is the Internet. And no I will not be doing any of that cuck blocking on my end to comply either. I have as much respect for this as I do for Chinese Internet rules, which is none, so the EU is gonna need it's own Great Firewall of Faggotry to make these laws work.

RT: https://nicecrew.digital/objects/207cd5a8-1e95-41f6-96fb-b73c0c21e99c

@Hoss @cowanon

"We need to destroy online privacy, It's for the CHILDREN" says the satanic pedophile oligarchy

First of all, it's impossible to prevent children from using and/or viewing social media. Even in countries like China where instagram is banned, everybody uses it anyway.

Also China has digital ID, and it doesn't stop anyone from using banned websites.

Protecting kids from online content is the parents responsibility. I support parental rights, not government control.

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