Every single argument against ARs is retarded
"ARs suck at hunting"
Introducing the AR-10
"ARs are unreliable"
No they aren't, if they were, they wouldn't have been adopted by pretty much every military in the world besides Russia.
ARs can be chambered in anything to fit any scenario. 9mm, 12 gauge, 50bmg.....
ARs even look sexy as bolt actions, if your into that.
Ah but that's where the Ar-180 comes in
The Ar-180 or AR-18 platform was designed to be an affordable+simpler to manufacture AR with a sheet metal receiver
And Many modern rifles are based on the Ar-180, like the CZ Bren 2 and the Scar 16
Basically what I'm saying is that there's an AR for everyone under the sun, even the poors
AR's are expensive.
Not in the sense that the US Army and Marines throwing them all away in favor of the XM7 and M27 is more than a rounding error of the cost of an aircraft carrier, but rather in the sense that an illiterate peasant army can't afford even one per soldier compared to an AK stamped out of rusty sheet metal.