@Turdicus No such thing as free money. "unrealised losses" can no longer be contained at these rates. all the profit and wealth have long ago been siphoned off. Those are basically black holes of debt. doesnt even matter if they lower rates now, its not gonna fix anything.

american banks have already be air gapped using bail in policies. all investors and debtors will be written off for major banks. Fed will announce that it will default and print the debt.

unless foreign powers have a way to win a kinetic war with america, zog will introduce a new currency or fuck with what we know as the dollar system.

zog bet it all on crushing everyone else to reset itself. So far its efforts dont look good.

There's no reason to announce a default if you're just gonna print the debt away. It's either one or the other.
The clever play would be to pay all the debts with printed dollars and sanction all paid creditors immediately so their USDs are dead in the water.

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